
Vaping: Benefits Outweigh the Risks
Letter to the Editor

Vaping: Benefits Outweigh the Risks

Somchai Bovornkitti MD, Hon.MRCP, FRCP, FRACP, Hon.FACP

After reading an editorial article entitled Health Concern in Electronic Cigarettes by Kongkiat Kunkantharakorn and Somchai Bovornkitti in the Asian Medical Journal & Alternative Medicine (amjam) volume 21, January-April 2021 issue, pp. 5-6, I would like to provide additional information harvested from important documents.

มกราคม - มีนาคม 2568
A Low-grade Lung Cancer
Letter to the Editor

A Low-grade Lung Cancer

Somchai Bovornkitti, MD, FRCP, FRACP, Hon.FACP

While most forms of lung cancer are highly malignant, there is an exception in the case of pulmonary alveolar cell carcinoma.

กรกฎาคม - กันยายน 2566
Health Concern to Electronic Cigarettes
Letter to the Editor

Health Concern to Electronic Cigarettes

Somchai Bovornkitti

Our previous communication on electronic cigarettes and health concern noted that the EC preparations are the culprits to the adverse effects and not a harm-free alternative to tobacco smoke. Of note, a more recent study on health outcomes in COPD smokers using heated tobacco products: a 3-year follow-up...

เมษายน - มิถุนายน 2566
Allying Words
Letter to the Editor

Allying Words

Somchai Bovornkitti

Clarifying for laypersons and medical students a few frequently misunderstood medical

มกราคม - มีนาคม 2566
Letter to the Editor


Somchai Bovornkitti

Most lay- or non-medical individuals would interpret the term ‘Long-COVID’ as referring to the lingering symptoms or extended manifestations over a period of time longer than normal of the disease caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).

มกราคม - มีนาคม 2566
Letter to the Editor



- Don’t Panic - Want to Stay Healthy: Eat Germs - A Curious Lung Cancer - เนื้องอกคาร์ศินอยด์ ยังมีอีกไหม

ตุลาคม - ธันวาคม 2565